Skirting boards can help you improve your home’s look and offer other benefits, such as protecting your walls. But you can only get the best result when the skirting boards are installed correctly. Therefore, you should have in mind how to install the skirting boards. There are things you should know when thinking of fitting skirting boards. You can hire a professional to do the fitting or do it yourself. Read the content below to learn various things you can do during skirting board installation.
You Can Choose To Do It Yourself or Recruit a Professional
This is one important question that you should ask when installing skirting boards. Hiring a professional can benefit you greatly, and you can also do the installation by following certain guides.
Hiring a Professional for the Installation
Hire a professional to get different advantages, such as:
- Saving time since they can do the work within the given time
- Getting a professional result because of these people’s experience installing skirting boards.
- Finding the best products
- Education on how to maintain the skirting boards
- They use quality equipment for installation services
These professionals have the experience and skills to install skirting boards. With their experience, they can find the best skirting board that will match your house and fit your needs or requirements. Therefore, you should consider hiring a professional with ten years of experience installing skirting boards.
Installing the Skirting Boards Yourself
You can also install these skirting boards yourself. However, if you have never done this work, you should consider reading the guide below to help you during the process.
Have The Requirements Ready
Ensure you prepare yourself before you start the work. This will help you save time because nothing will stop you from starting the installation process. During this stage, you must collect all the tools and the products you will use during the installation. Note that the tools you will use will depend on your skirting board. Therefore, you must understand the skirting board you are buying.
Do The Measurements
Measuring tape is one of the things you should have when collecting the things to use for the skirting board installation. The tape measure is used to determine the total length of the wall or the length of the skirting board needed. Having the correct measurements will help you get the best finishing.
Preparing The Skirting Boards
It would be best if you drew arrows to indicate how the skirting board will fit. This will show the top and bottom of the skirting board. This is done if you want to avoid mistakes. Note that a slight mistake might cause poor finishing.
Do The Cutting
You will also need cutting tools like a coping saw to cut the corners of the skirting boards. Remember; always stick to the measurements you obtained in the first step. You will achieve neat joins when you fit an ascribed edge on a fitted board. Make sure you do the measurements again to avoid mistakes. You can only do the cutting after re-confirming the measurement.
Install The Skirting Boards
Once you get the correct shape, all you need is to fit your skirting boards. You can use the products like instant-grab adhesive if you are attaching the skirting boards to a plasterboard wall. Consider drilling them to fit the skirting boards if you have a solid wall. Learning more about attaching these skirting boards to different types of walls is important.
If fitting skirting boards can be difficult and you doubt you will not get a better result, you can consider hiring a professional to do the work for you. However, with the above information, you can get the best results when doing the work alone.