A famous puzzle is what goes in the empty square its not 6. The answer to the puzzle is 5 because you put 1,2,3,4 and 5 in the empty squares.
Or you could solve it by putting the numbers 3 & 7 together which has an outcome of 10.
This wasn’t very straight forward to solve and it would have been tricky for a child to get the answer.
The reason this puzzle is famous because it involves thinking outside of the box.
In order to solve this you need to think about what goes in the empty square its not 6.
The title suggests putting something else but 6 in there instead of 6, which is a trick question because it could be 5,4,3,2 and 1.
In this article there will be many examples that can solve the puzzle its not 6 which is challenging to do for children under the age of 10.
There are large paragraphs to give you examples then a short paragraph at the end explaining how it works.
It’s a puzzle that has been around for centuries and is still unsolved
The equivalent of 6 is 6 or 5+1 etc. because it goes in the empty square its not 6.
You could put numbers 2,3,4 and 5 to make 10 which gives you an answer of 6.
By putting 3 & 7 together you would get 10 which gives you an answer of 6. This is because you add the numbers together which leaves you with 6.
Putting these numbers 3 and 7 together gives you 10 and then adding them together gives you an answer of 6.
This isn’t a straight forward puzzle to solve, because it takes time and thinking outside of the box for this puzzle to be solved.
The puzzle is comprised of 15 squares, but one of them remains blank
The squares are labeled 1 to 15 in the diagram,1-2-3-4-5 6 is wrong because they would put 6 in there instead of 6.
The last number would not be 6 so it is wrong to have 6 in there because it would not give you an answer of 6.
It would give you an answer of 5 or 5+1 etc. = 6
In order to solve this puzzle, the translator needs to have a good mind for numbers and understand what numbers could be used as a solution other than their number.
The solution is either 3 & 7 put together which equals 10 giving you the answer of 6 because it is a trick question and 5,4,3,2 and 1 would put the numbers together to make 10 which gives you an answer of 6.
A few people have tried to solve this puzzle and failed
The main challenge about this is thinking outside of the box.
You need to put your mind in order to solve this puzzle because it involves adding different numbers together and thinking about what number is missing out of 6 that could be solved instead of 6.
The answer for this wonderful puzzle is 5,4,3,2 and 1 which were put together to make 10 which is 6.
We may never know what the answer is, but it’s fun to try!
This article sets out many different examples to solve the puzzle and it has a nice layout.
It also gives you two possible answers which is good for readers like me who like multiple choice.
I would rate this article 4/5 because it does give out many helpful examples and explains the answer in detail with an example.
I do think this article could be improved by making it more personal with a view on the readers point of view. It could also be made into a list for easier reading.
I would recommend this article to people who are interested in learning about different types of word problems.