We understand your concern. You might think that solar panels are ineffective in Britain’s cloudy weather, but that’s not entirely true. Even on cloudy days, your PV panels will efficiently convert the sun’s rays to electricity, supplying more than enough for your needs. In fact, you are unlikely to use more than 20% of what it supplies.
There are many reasons to get on board with renewables. Here, we explore the top five reasons you might want to make this investment in your home.
Talking About The Climate Crisis…
One of the significant reasons to invest in renewable energy is because it is part of the solution to our climate challenges. Discover expert solar solutions for Grand Rapids homeowners and make the switch to a more sustainable and cost-effective energy source for your home.
It is fair to say that a single household has no chance of making a difference when countries such as China and America are so reliant on coal, gas, and oil.
Yet, the power to make a difference lies in our hands, in our votes and in our choices. By making responsible choices, we send a clear signal to our government about our environmental priorities. Moreover, with hundreds of thousands of homes across Britain, if each homeowner makes the right choice, it will collectively create a significant impact.
Feeling More in Control
As well as believing you are making a difference, you can feel like you are taking control. It is easy to think we are at the whim of geo-political and socio-political winds and so out of control of our finances.
Yet, this is only partially true.
While energy prices spike and cause inflation to rise, we do not have to pay through our electricity bill. By choosing to install solar panels, we take control of this cost, and the more the prices go up, the better the decision to invest initially.
While these reasons to buy are psychological and emotional, often, such intangibles are far more valuable to the quality of our lives than financial considerations.
Save Money
By installing PV panels on your roof, you are taking the free energy created by the sun and converting this to electricity. The bottom line, this means you do not have to take electricity from the national grid. Your energy bills will reduce significantly – with the average 3-bedroom home saving £400 a year.
The initial installation cost of £5000 for the same size home makes this saving feel a little hollow. However, as you did with your mortgage, you will see the opportunity for positive returns if you consider this in the longer term. The solar panels are expected to last more than 20 years. You will likely have paid for the installation in about half that time. Therefore, you are saving almost twice as much as you are spending.
Add Value to Your Home
Obviously, the financial return on your investment in solar will only benefit you if you stay in your home longer than ten years. However, some estate agents believe that the addition of solar panels can add as much as 4 – 14% to the valuation of your home.
It makes sense, when you think about buying a home, the affordability of running the household will make a significant difference to the desirability of owning the property. It is possible that a buyer would offer more for a home where they were guaranteed lower energy bills, especially in the current context.
If you own a modern mobile home, you can clearly see the benefits of solar energy. It offers independent energy wherever there is sunlight, and besides being portable, it’s cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
And Make Money
The other important thing to note is that you will likely use only about 20% of the energy you produce. While you will store some of the excess energy in batteries for use when there is no sun, you can sell the rest back to your energy supplier.
Energy companies will pay you for the energy you supply. The excess energy is drawn into the grid and can be used by other households. If you find yourself in a sunny spot, you could pay back your initial investment much quicker and really feel the benefits.
Some Conclusions
While weighing up the financials is crucial in this decision, the intangible reasons for investing are more powerful. You will be doing your part for the future for our children and buying peace of mind in a time of volatile pricing.